Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Appeal to Minister of W&CD, New delhi

The Minister,
Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India
Shastri Bhawan, 
New Delhi

Respected Madam,
Sub: Request to upload the latest version of the Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill in public domain
This is a request on behalf of the undersigned organisations, working at grassroot level and academic institutions in the area of human trafficking regarding the Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill.
Some of the organizations across the nation had identified the gaps in the first draft of the Bill uploaded on the Ministry’s website and made recommendations for a comprehensive Bill, when inputs were requested in September 2016. In response to the recent media reports that the Bill is likely to be passed in the near future, as a group interested in the welfare of trafficked victims, we would like to contribute to the process further by way of recommendations to a revised draft of the Bill, if an opportunity is provided. However, the Bill that we have access to on your website appears to be the same that was available in September 2016. 
We request you to kindly upload the draft of the Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, revised post recommendations made by the organisations.
We hope our concerns will be given due consideration.
1. HELP - Andhra Pradesh
2. NCYS - West Godawari dist
3. NATSAP - Network Against Trafficking and Sexual exploitation in AP
4. VIMUKTI - Victims collective
5.  RAIDS - Kadapa Dist
6. HANDS - Ananthapuram Dist 
7.  RISE - Chittoor dist.
8.  KESALI - Vijawanagaram Dist 
9. Star Society - Kurnool dist
10. SWEEP - Srikakulam dist 
11.  vishaka Balala Hakkula Vedika - Vishaka Dist

We look forward to an early response.
With kind regards
Ram mohan NVS

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